Ginger and turmeric infusion!

Ginger and turmeric can be very helpful in counteracting malaise and weakness. In fact, ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and digestive effects: for this reason we offer you a simple and quick recipe that you can easily and safely prepare at home.


Ingredients (for 1 person)

1 piece of fresh ginger McGarlet

1 piece of turmeric McGarlet

Hot water

2 spoons of honey

Preparation of a perfect ginger and turmeric infusion

Wash and grate the ginger, then put it in a saucepan together with the turmeric powder and boil everything in water for about a quarter of an hour. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain everything, pour it into the cup and add two teaspoons of honey. Your ginger and turmeric infusion is ready: drink a cup a day and you will immediately feel the benefits!


Mangusteen cream!

Here’s how to prepare a delicious mangusteen cream, a tropical fruit that has been used for centuries for its healing properties and health benefits.




200 g of McGarlet mangusteen puree

180 g of custard

70 g of unrefined cane sugar

15 cl of cream

4 sheets of gelatin

McGarlet lime juice


Preparation of a perfect mangusteen cream

Sift the mangusteen puree as well as the custard. Combine the two creams in a saucepan and heat everything. Just before the boiling point, remove from the heat and add the gelatine softened in water and the lime juice. Let the mixture cool and add the cream and sugar. Pour on your mangusteen cream a little cold chocolate sauce, garnish with waffle leaves and serve.


Have you ever tried the yellow pithaya?

Also called “Yellow Dragon Fruit”, this fruit is really tasty and has several beneficial properties being rich in vitamins, fiber, iron and phosphorus.

The yellow pithaya is excellent to taste naturally: just cut it in half and taste the pulp with a teaspoon. You can also add sugar and lemon to enhance its taste properties.



Fillet with mango? Yes, please!

Here is how to prepare this tasty recipe:


Ingredients for 2 people

400 g pork fillet

1 mango by air

violver olive oil, butter, salt and pepper to taste



Clean the mango and cut it into strips, then brown them in a pan with a knob of butter and keep the flame always lively. Cut the fillet into strips and add them to the pan, turning them more than once so that they cook evenly. You can pour two teaspoons of vodka in a pan and serve flambé. Finally, add valerian or rocket to taste.


Here’s how to prepare a fresh Caipirinha with maracujà! The fruit belongs to the Passiflora family, it is very similar to passion fruit (but larger than the latter) and has a juicy and very sweet pulp, particularly suitable for the preparation of fruit drinks.

5 cl of cachaça
2 maracujá McGarlet
2 tablespoons of sugar

Cut the two maracujá in half and with a spoon remove all the pulp, which you will put in a glass. Add two teaspoons of sugar and a dash of cachaça. At this point pound everything with the muddler. Fill with ice, pour the rest of the cachaça and serve the caipirinha.


Si chiama lemongrass ma in Italia è conosciuta più comunemente come citronella, che immediatamente associamo alla stagione calda e alla difesa dalle fastidiose punture di zanzare.

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